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Ethics GRASP - GlobalG.AP

GRASP is a supplementary module to GLOBALG.AP standards that raises awareness of the aspects related to social responsibility in companies in the primary sector. The term GRASP is the acronym of GLOBALG.AP Risk Assessment on Social Practice, or Risk Control in Social Practices.

The scheme provides the tools for the implementation and evaluation of some basic social indicators in farms where the GLOBALG.AP standard has been implemented, integrating the chapter dedicated to health and safety at work.

Based on current labor legislation and workers' rights, it allows agricultural entrepreneurs to address important social issues and create awareness within the company.
It is applicable to certified farms or farms that intend to become GLOBALG.AP certified, and it allows traders and large-scale retailers to demonstrate their attention to social issues related to workers.

How to implement the GRASP scheme?

1. The organization must carry out a self-assessment on social risk within its own company, following the GRASP rules and completing the checklist in the various points (leaving objective evidence of the assessment), both as regards the collection sites and as regards the manipulation sites (if any).

2. The Certiquality inspector will proceed with the audit (Please note that the audit can be carried out in an integrated manner with the GLOBALG.AP audits, or at a different time)

3. Submit both forms to the globalgap. The result of the GRASP assessment will be displayed in the GLOBALG.AP database, if there is a valid GLOBALG.AP certificate.

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